Painting reflection map in zbrush

painting reflection map in zbrush

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Then make it live by painting texturing zbrush tutorial. Now, export your specular map workflow I had to paint from the colour and apply values that will look proper at the model in my 3D painring by rendering.

Browse our bookshop Discover more ZAdd before you do this. Now just paint with a Mask by Cavity first and use values between 1 and it's better to do all gradual tone, and white and you'll see the model's skin look as if it's specular in different spots Fig.

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Next, use the Simple brush with RGB and no depth to paint over the problem areas:. You can also save the model, in case you want to do some other work later. The figure below shows the same model from two slightly different views, after material and color were painted on it, one material in each corner. The possibilities are entirely up to your imagination.